STACCATO field sampling on the way!

Field sampling is an essential part within the STACCATO project. This spring our scientists have been working around selected sites across Europe to provide essential information on key ecosystem services in more or less agriculturally dominated landscapes and their correlation to local biodiversity.
In all 5 participating countries the first field campaigns were successfully completed, despite some difficulties, such as the very dry autumn and spring in Bulgaria and many parts of Romania. This prevented the successful establishment of oilseed rape plants (core crop in STACCATO) and made it necessary to switch to sunflower fields as core crop in these countries.
Among others, the compiled data sets will provide information on key species and indicators, such as pollinators, butterfly diversity, pollen beetle parasitism (pollen beetles are the main pest in oilseed rape), adult pollen beetle abundance, soil fauna and its contribution to decomposition of dead organic material, Carabidae, Staphylinidae and spider abundances etc.
Credits: Anja Schmidt